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Awarded Projects

Vadim Kibardin has participated in international competitions and has won over 10 awards, including the German iF Award, the Red Dot Award, the Russian Design Innovations Award, the French Design and Design Award, the Promosedia International Design Competition in Italy and Japan, and the Charman design competition. In 2005 ELLE Decoration magazine nominated Vadim Kibardin as newcomer of the year and in 2006 as designer of the year. His Dandelion lamp was declared the best light by Wallpaper magazine in 2006. In addition to this, Vadim Kibardin was awarded the German Chancellor Scholarship Program for Prospective Leaders from the Russian Federation. He is the first and only to win this scholarship in the field of product design.

Vadim Kibardin was nominated in the Design section of the 2013 World Technology Awards. These award finalists and nominees are those individuals (in 20 categories) and companies/organizations (in 10 categories) who are—in the opinion of the WTN fellows and founding members, through the awards voting process—producing innovative work of “the greatest likely long-term significance” in their fields. They are those creating the 21st century.

Target Film

A REN Film production
Cast: Maxim Sukhanov, Justine Waddell, Vitaly Kishchenko, Danila Kozlovsky, Daniela Stoyanovich, Nina Loschinina
Director: Alexander Zeldovich
Screenwriters: Vladimir Sorokin, Alexander Zeldovich
Producer: Dmitri Lesnevsky
Director of photography: Alexandre Ilkhovski
Designer: Vadim Kibardin
Production designers: Yuri Kharikov, Vladimir Rodimov
Music: Leonid Desyatnikov

A group of friends set off to the mountains in Asia in search of an abandoned astrophysical secret facility, where space particles were once studied and collected. It is believed that spending some time in its gigantic mirror-aerial could lead to various positive changes in a person, such as the reversal of the aging process, return of youth and all it is associated with - the sharpness of perception, desires and ambitions... The friends find the abandoned site and spend one night inside it. Indeed, on the return to Moscow, they start to feel some changes. They are getting younger, and their dreams start coming true. However, there is a price to pay for this. The protagonists lose control over themselves and their existence, and fast and unexpected changes engulf their lives.

Enjoy the galleries with 12 original gadget designs by Vadim Kibardin for Target film.