Design Innovation Awards, Moscow, Russia

In 2004 the Design Innovations Award was given out in “Web-design”, “Interier Design” and “Urban Environment Design” nominations. Apart from the award itself, a People’s Choice Award was presented. The winner was defined by a poll among the visitors of the web-site.
The contest ran two stages: to begin with, the international authoritative experts defined 10 finalists in each nomination, then a winner was chosen from the ten. Fabio Novembre, James Wines, Joshua Davis became the members of the jury in 2004.

On the 3rd June the final of the contest took place on the exhibition of the projects that reached the final. The names of the DIA 2004 winners were announced, the results of the poll were brought out and the People’s Choice Award was given.
Concept by Vadim Kibardin, camouflage clothes for city dwellers Urban Tour, entered the final in the “Urban Environment Design” nomination.

photo: Vadim Kibardin, DIA,