International Days of Design of the Baltic States - Gdynia Design Days’ 08, Gdansk, Poland

Gdynia Design Days 2008—first in Poland, international initiative promoting Baltic Sea states design that will take place between 11th & 27th July, 2008 is organised jointly by Industrial Design Institute and City Hall of Gdynia. The venue is addressed to the Tricity citizens, visitors and designers.
"It is no coincidence that the event is located in Gdynia, the city that since the very beginning of its existence was innovative and possessed great potential for development. I am deeply convinced that this culture feast of design will open new and interesting perspectives for artistic and business activities encouraging designers and businessmen to start prospecting in the area of creative business"—this is how the president of Gdynia City Wojciech Szczurek explains the decision to organize Gdynia Design Days.

Main goal of Gdynia Design Days is to promote creative, modern designing of our surroundings. By presenting well designed solutions and objects, organisers would like to draw the attention to the quality of our life. Good design is the one that improves the quality of our everyday life through its visual and functional and practical values of products and services. Everything that surrounds us today has been designed: table, chairs, clothes, books, posters.

The organisers of this event want us to learn how to use really good designs—designs that are aesthetical and solve the issues that the user might have. Gdynia Design Days will introduce everyday design to the people that at the moment perceive it as an art—refined and unobtainable world of beautiful and expensive objects. "We would like to demonstrate that in our everyday life they are everywhere and to show the benefits that come from using them. Such design that is available for anybody will also be on sale in Gdynia"—says Elżbieta Opiła, director of Gdynia Design Days.
