Exhibition of Czech winners of Red dot design award, Seoul, Republic of Korea

On April 19th, 2011 an official opening of the exhibition "red dot award winners from the Czech Republic 1995–2010“, took place at the Czech Info Center at Seoul. More than 20 designers and artists show there award-winning works – either the models or the original pieces of designs – for the first time in the Republic of Korea .

Flashback of the Czech winners of the prestigious "red dot award" is open both to Korean design professionals as well as general public at Czech Info Center at Hongdae, Seoul (http://www.czechinfo.or.kr) from April 19, 2011 until June 30, 2011. The aim of the exhibition is to present development and international achievements of Czech designers in the field of design mainly during the last decade. The exhibiton, the first of its kind so far, was organized by the Embassy of the Czech Republic to the Republic of Korea and presents the award-winning designs made by Czech artists and/or studios during more than 25 years of the history of the red dot design competition. Visitors will have a chance to learn about more than 20 awarded products in all three categories (product, communication and concepts). Samples of awarded products, if its size allows it, are on display too.

Exhibition was officially opened by Professor Lee Soon-in, Director of the Seoul Design Center, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the Republic of Korea Mr. Jaroslav Olša, jr. and Ms. Naděžda Vlnasová, trade and commercial counsellor of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in presence of some 70 guests, among them many Korean designers.

List of Czech designers and studios, winners of reddot design award:
ŠKODA AUTO a.s..– www.skoda-auto.com
MgA. Martin Imrich, MgA. Jiří Přibyl, KONCERN DESIGN STUDIO- www.koncern.cz
Flexicat Tools s.r.o.- www.flexicat-tools.com
Petr Kolář, Aleš Lapka, Techo a.s.- www.techo.cz
Lubomír Dvořák, Dvořák - svahové sekačky, s. r. o.- www.spider-cz.com
Rony Plesl, Rony Plesl Studio- www.ronyplesl.com
Jiwon Shin, Firefly Branding- www.fireflybranding.com
Vadim Kibardin, Kibardin Design Studio- www.kibardindesign.com
Petr Tesák, Tescoma s.r.o.- www.tescoma.com
Jiří Kubec- www.coroflot.com
Studio Marvil s. r. o.- www.marvil.cz
David Karásek, Radek Hegman, mmcité a.s.
Jiří Španihel, Descent s.r.o.- www.spanihel.cz
Petr Skála- www.skakala.cz

Photos are contributed by Embassy of the Czech Republic in the Republic of Korea.
The official web-site