Promosedia International Chair Exhibition, Udine, Italy

The international exhibition of chairs - PROMOSEDIA – is the only event of this sort. In 2005 the exhibition took place for the 28th time. Chairs, armchairs and desks have been presented on the exhibition area.
Exhibition PROMOSEDIA is visited by thousands of representatives of various branches of business; this number also includes importers, industrial companies, wholesale and retail firms, architects, designers, journalists. In 2005 visitors of PROMOSEDIA numbered 11250 people from 67 countries of the world. 170 exhibitors from 13 countries have taken part in the exhibition.
The exhibition program is accompanied by various actions: the Award "Top Ten Award ("Top Ten"), PROMOSEDIA INTERNATIONAL DESIGN COMPETITION which demonstrates the innovations of young designers based on creative approach to the creation of chairs.
In 2005 for the first time for all history of international competition PROMOSEDIA INTERNATIONAL DESIGN COMPETITION a Russian designer became the winner. Vadim Kibardin has been awarded a special prize of jury for a Taiga Chair which has been designed exclusively (that is a competition condition) for this event.
The industrial sample of the chair ‘ Taiga ’ became a part of the exposition of the exhibition.

photo: Vadim Kibardin